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Creeping Phlox

Creeping Phlox

The Creeping Phlox is a perennial that is native to the eastern portion of the United States. Also known as Phlox Stolonifera, Moss Phlox, Mountain Phlox, Star Rock Phlox, and Phlox Subulata, this mat-forming plant can be found in a variety of vibrant colors. These include variations of white, blue, red, and even purple. It blooms between the months of April and September each year. The Appearance Of Creeping Phlox A member of the Polemoniaceae botanical family, it is a semi-evergreen favorite of many landscaping professionals. It provides a uniquely colored ground cover that brings a sense of boldness to any area. This plant is comprised of creeping stems that can grow up to two feet long. Its needle-like foliage is a dark green color and is commonly referred to as being mossy. The Bloom Of This Perennial This herbaceous perennial has a sweet cannabis aroma when in full bloom during the summer and fall months. Each of its flowers will have five flat petals and reach a maximum width of around one inch. Each flower will sport rounded lobes that have distinctive notches. Its flowers tend to grow in clusters. This plant offers a stunning sweep of bright colors that resemble a moss-like carpet. This is a very hardy and low-maintenance plant breed. It's salt, drought, and even deer resistant. Shop Garden Plants Nursery For Healthy Plants This attractive perennial is perfectly suited for bordering fronts, draping rock walls, and providing erosion control for disturbed slopes. It isn't prone to any severe disease or pest infestation problems. Each mat of them will reach a height of between four and six inches tall. When in full bloom, this plant will attract an array of butterflies and bees.With an average growth rate, Creeping Phlox can quickly add a field of vibrant color to any garden. In fact, placing multiple color variations next to one another will provide a sea of varying colors for any landscape. This truly unique plant will grow out to drape over any surface, and it will take root even between the cracks in a rock wall. It's very versatile and can tolerate all different types of growing conditions.

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Trumpet Vine

Trumpet Vine

The trumpet vine, often called trumpet creeper, loves lean soil as well as it drains well. This beautiful plant can grow up to 40 feet tall when it has a structure to climb on. It uses suckers produced by underground runners to attach itself to almost any surface. A single vine can spread to be more than 10-feet wide. This Perennial Captivating Leaves This plant puts on beautiful leaves that are shiny, dark green on top and dull green underneath. Each leaf that can be up to 15 inches long produces seven to ten10 feet leaflets that have serrated edges. The leaves turn yellow in the autumn. Where To Plant It Plant it in the full sun so that it produces flowers. The scarlet or orange flowers have a trumpet shape, and they can be up to 3 inches long. Blooms typically appear in the early summer and last until fall. If this plant does not get enough sun, it will still thrive, but it will not produce flowers. After the flowers fade, then the plant produces bean-like seedpods that can be up to 5-inches long. If left on the plant, these seedpods will eventually split open, releasing the seeds inside. If they land in the right spot, then you can have another plant. Get Trumpet Vine At Garden Plant Nursery If left without a structure to climb, then the trumpet vine will use its suckers to spread across the ground. Using this vine as a ground cover can be very useful if you need to stop erosion. When left to crawl across the ground, the plant can also be very useful in camouflaging unsightly debris, such as a rock pile. Hardy Planting Zone- 3 to 9 Bloom Season (if any) - Summer Bloom Color – Orange, scarlet Height at Maturity –Up to 40 feet tall Soil Type Preferred- Lean well-drained soil Sun or Shade-Full sun

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Virginia Creeper

Virginia Creeper

Virginia Creeper, scientifically known as Parthenocissus quinquefolia, is a remarkable and versatile woody vine native to eastern North America. This vibrant and attractive plant is celebrated for its aesthetic appeal and ecological significance. One of the most striking features of the plant is its lush foliage. Its leaves consist of five serrated leaflets, resembling the palm of a hand, hence its species name, "quinquefolia," which means "five-leaved." During the growing season, the leaves unfurl into a brilliant green, creating a dense and vibrant canopy. However, the true magic of the plant becomes evident in the fall. As autumn approaches, the leaves undergo a breathtaking transformation, turning into a kaleidoscope of vibrant reds, oranges, and purples. This dynamic display of colors makes it a favored option for adding a touch of grace to garden landscapes. It Helps Support Local Wildlife The Virginia creeper is also valued for its role in supporting local wildlife. The dense foliage provides excellent bird cover and nesting sites, while its berries serve as a valuable food source for various avian species, including robins and waxwings. The plant also attracts numerous insects, making it an essential component of local ecosystems. The Vine Is Versatile Gardeners and homeowners often appreciate it for its versatility. It can be trained to climb walls, trellises, or arbors, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of any structure. Its vigorous growth habit and ability to adapt to various soil types make it a low-maintenance garden addition. Furthermore, its rapid growth can quickly provide shade, making it an excellent choice for creating natural cooling in outdoor spaces. In summary, the Virginia creeper is a splendid vine that adds beauty and ecological benefits to its surroundings. With its stunning foliage, wildlife support, and landscaping versatility, it remains a cherished plant in gardens and natural settings across North America. Its vibrant presence and ecological significance make it a symbol of the looks and energy of the natural world. Buy Virginia Creeper At Garden Plant Nursery

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Vinca Minor

Vinca Minor

Vinca Minor is a dense groundcover that produces a lovely blue flower in the Spring and Summer. Its evergreen leaves are a deep, rich green color. It grows in mats about 3 to 6 inches high that will spread unchecked if given the chance. This Perennial Plant Is Very Hardy It is easy to grow and has few natural diseases or pests. It's not too picky about the soil it's in but will do best with well-drained, moist soil. Its ease of cultivation and tendency to spread make it popular as a low-maintenance groundcover. Just remember that it's also difficult to get rid of. It will usually require cutting and application of chemicals to its roots to stop it from coming back. The Uses Of It Vinca Minor is also known as Periwinkle, Myrtle, and Creeping Myrtle. It was given the Latin name of Vinca, meaning to wind around, because its stems were used in wreath making. Minor is in reference to its leaves, which are smaller than that of its cousin, Vinca Major. It is native to southern and central Europe. Its original range extends from the Netherlands in the north to Portugal in the south and east to Turkey. Today, it is cultivated in many parts of the world. In the US, it is classified as being hardy in zones 3 through 8, and sometimes even further north. Get Vinca Minor At Garden Plant Nursery This ground cover plant is best known for its lush, green foliage and flowers that bloom during the spring and summer. The color depends upon the variety but can include blue, white, and pink. The USDA hardiness zones advised for this plant are 4 to 9, and it grows best in well-drained soils. When planted 4 to 6 inches apart, this plant will form a thick ground cover and be approximately 4 to 6 feet off the ground when fully mature.

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Creeping Phlox

Creeping Phlox

Phlox subulata, commonly known as creeping phlox or moss phlox, is a low-growing perennial plant native to North America. This beautiful and hardy ground cover is a favorite among gardeners for its stunning carpet-like display of colorful flowers and its ability to thrive in various garden settings. They Love Lime And Sunshine They typically reach only 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) and spread horizontally to form a dense mat of evergreen foliage. The leaves are small and needle-like and remain green throughout the year, providing an attractive ground cover even when the plant is not blooming. One of their most striking features is its profusion of star-shaped flowers that appear in spring. These flowers come in various vibrant colors, including pink, purple, blue, and white, creating a carpet of color that can be pretty breathtaking. The bloom can last several weeks, making it a standout in early spring gardens. Creeping Phlox Is A Very Versatile Plant The phlox is a versatile plant that can thrive in various garden conditions. It likes full sun to partisan shade and well-drained soil. It is drought-tolerant once established, making it a suitable choice for xeriscaping or rock gardens. This plant is also relatively low-maintenance and requires minimal pruning or deadheading. Gardeners often use them as a ground cover to prevent soil erosion on slopes or to fill in gaps between rocks in rock gardens. Its low spreading habit makes it an excellent choice for edging along pathways or flower borders. In summary, Phlox subulata, or creeping phlox, is a charming and versatile perennial plant known for its vibrant springtime display of colorful flowers, evergreen foliage, and ability to thrive in various garden settings. Whether used as a ground cover, edging, or in rock gardens, this low-maintenance plant is a popular choice among garden enthusiasts for its beauty and adaptability. Buy This Perennial At Garden Plants Nursery

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English Ivy

English Ivy

English Ivy is a versatile and iconic plant known for its lush, trailing vines and distinctive lobed leaves. Native to Europe, this evergreen climber has become a popular ornamental plant worldwide due to its aesthetic appeal and adaptability. This Perennial Can Live For Over 200 Years Appearance: It is characterized by its glossy, dark green leaves with a distinctive shape, often featuring three to five lobes. These leaves can vary in size and shape, and they cling to surfaces using aerial rootlets, allowing the plant to climb and cover walls, fences, and other structures. In the fall, the leaves can develop a reddish or purplish hue. Growth Habit: It exhibits a hearty growth habit, making it an excellent ground cover or a climbing vine. Given the right conditions, it can spread and cover large areas horizontally and vertically. Its growth rate can be both an advantage. Cultural Significance: It has historically held various symbolic and cultural meanings. In ancient Greece, it was associated with Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry, and was used to make wreaths worn by Bacchus's followers. Recently, it has been a symbol of academia and is often used as a decoration in academic settings, such as university campuses. Environmental Benefits Of English Ivy It provides several environmental benefits, including air purification by removing pollutants and carbon dioxide. Its dense growth also offers shelter and food for wildlife, such as birds and insects. Cultivation: It is relatively easy to grow and can thrive in various light conditions, from full sun to full shade. It prefers well-drained soil and benefits from pruning to maintain its shape. In summary, English ivy is a visually striking plant with a rich history and numerous practical uses. Its ability to adapt to different environments and its aesthetic appeal have solidified its place in gardens and cultural traditions, making it a beloved and enduring plant species. Buy This Plant At Garden Plants Nursery

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Bugleweed Plant

Bugleweed Plant

The Bugleweed is a herb-type herbaceous plant with colorful leaves that work great as a groundcover. It is a low maintenance, perennial plant many gardeners prefer to use as a groundcover as they also provide a splash of color with their profuse blue flower spikes. The spikes shoot out approximately six inches during the spring.  The Beauty Of Bugleweed The plant will produce its flowers throughout the summer and into the fall but are the most stunning during the spring when they have been planted in mass. There are some varieties of the plant that feature variegated foliage and produce blooms in pink, white or rose. These plants will grow from six to nine inches in height and will also achieve a diameter of about the same. Utilizing The Perennial These plants make terrific borders and look incredible when mixed with other perennial flowers along an edge. Some gardeners have enjoyed the eye-pleasing effect of it when planted along stepping stones or inside rock gardens. They make a great companion to the creeping jenny in a shady part of a lawn. Where To Plant Your Garden Plant Nursery Plants It will grow well in moist, fertile, well-drained soil but are able to tolerate clay and other less nutrient soils. The plant does have a creeping tendency and should not be planted near areas it will not be allowed to spread. Edging placed along a border where the plant should not go does well to stop the creeping. When the blooms have reached a deadhead stage, a lawn mower works well to remove them. The plant will propagate through its cuttings, by being divided, and its seeds. The division can be performed any time of the season and should be done about every two years, so it does not become overcrowded. The Bugleweed is a hardy plant and not susceptible to disease or pests. It may suffer from crown rot if grown in a hot and humid environment. It also does not do well in areas with poor air circulation.

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Periwinkle Plant

Periwinkle Plant

The Periwinkle is a small, somewhat dainty, plant that grows over the ground. It's an ideal plant to consider if you're looking for something to fill in spaces in your flower beds while adding a little bit of color as well as the plant has a light purple appearance. The underside of the flower is usually a bit darker with the center of the flower typically being white. Leaves on the plant grow to about two inches in length when fully mature. The leaves are usually dark green and shiny, making them stand out among other plants you might have. The plant itself can reach heights of about six inches, making it a good option to have with plants like daffodils or tulips so that there is a range of height in your garden. Growing Periwinkle Plant You'll find that it blooms in the spring months of March and April. They can also bloom again during the early fall months. The plant grows in various directions with long trailing as well as shoots that take root in the ground, leading to the plant covering a larger area of space. There are larger types of the plants that grow faster. They typically have leaves that are about three inches long with the petals being about two inches across. Benefits Of Planting The Perennial A benefit of Periwinkle is that it doesn't require a lot of care for it to spread and grow. When the tip of the stem touches the ground, it usually begins to take root in that area. Aside from filling empty spaces in your flower gardens, it can help with controlling erosion, especially on banks in your yard. It's also a plant that is beautiful as it cascades over flower boxes or as it hangs from flower baskets. The plant enjoys being in shady areas, but it can grow in those that are sunny, making it a plant that's ideal for almost any area. The plant is one that doesn't need to be divided as often as others, which means that you can keep it in your garden over a longer period of time. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Climbing vines from TN Nursery can add texture, depth, color, and even fruit to a backyard, garden, or landscaping. Ours can be the perfect solution for people with limited space for their gardening efforts since they grow vertically. Whether you're looking to grow them for a privacy screen, some added greenery, or a splash of color, you're sure to find something in our selection that will work.

Climbing Vines for Added Beauty

Virginia creeper, trumpet vine, and vinca minor are all good choices when you want to add a splash of color to your landscaping. Their colorful hues can turn a plain rock or brick wall into a delightful feast for the senses. People love trumpet vine for its showy flowers that can attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Virginia creeper is a thick, lush plant with greenish and reddish leaves. Vinca minor's deep, violet-blue flowers contrasted with green leaves are a blooming favorite in the springtime.

They Are Used for Elegant Privacy Screens

Some fences don't supply the best privacy, but a system of them can fill in the gaps and act as a privacy screen. Another popular option is to build a framed trellis structure in the backyard and then allow them to cover it. This can provide shade, fresh air, and lovely aromas in the early evening for a backyard seating area. They can also be used to cover an unsightly wall or fill in a shaded corner of landscaping. Hostas, for example, are a perennial that thrives in shaded areas.

Go Vertical to Save Garden Space

If you have limited space in your backyard or garden for plants, going vertical is always a great option! If you grow shrubs for a privacy screen, they will take up valuable cubic feet of space to have enough room to grow. Climbing vines will only extend a few inches from a wall or trellis, thus saving a lot of valuable space for growing other things.

You Can Grow Fruit or Ground Covers With Garden Plants Nursery's Help

Fruit-bearing types are another popular selection we offer at TN Nursery. We have Concord, Catawba, Freedonia, and Niagara varieties of grapevines that we ship at a mature, fruit-bearing age (3 to 4 feet in height).

Numerous types we have on offer work as a beautiful type of ground cover. These low-maintenance plants do most of the work. You plant them and they'll "creep" along the ground over time to cover the section of landscaping where you want them. Creeping phlox, Periwinkle, and Chocolate Chip Ajuga can color and depth to an empty space in your backyard.