Chasing Colors: The Art of Leaf Peeping in Autumn

As you embark on your autumn leaf-peeping adventure, take the time to appreciate the individuality of these trees and the collective masterpiece they create, turning forests and landscapes into a canvas of vibrant, breathtaking colors.
Chasing Colors: The Art of Leaf Peeping in Autumn - Tree Nursery Co

 A Season of Transition

Autumn is celebrated for its vibrant display of colors as leaves on trees change from their summer green to a stunning array of reds, oranges, yellows, and purples. This phenomenon, known as leaf peeping, draws nature enthusiasts, photographers, and tourists from around the world to witness the breathtaking transformation of the landscape. Among the many species of trees that contribute to this kaleidoscope of colors, the sassafras, sourwood, red maple, black gum, and hickory trees stand out for their unique and captivating contributions to the autumn palette.


Sassafras trees (Sassafras albidum) are one of the hidden gems of the autumn landscape. These deciduous trees are native to eastern North America and are known for their distinctive mitten-shaped leaves. In the fall, sassafras trees put on a show that ranges from deep oranges and fiery reds to soft yellows. What makes sassafras particularly fascinating is their ability to produce leaves of different shapes on the same tree – some are unlobed ovals, some are two-lobed like mittens, and others are three-lobed resembling tridents. This diversity of leaf shapes adds an extra layer of intrigue to the already stunning display of colors. As you explore the woods during the autumn season, keep an eye out for these charming sassafras trees, and you may be lucky enough to witness this natural variation up close.


Sourwood trees (Oxydendrum arboreum), also known as sorrel trees or sorrelwood, are another autumn delight. These trees are native to the southeastern United States and are known for their elegant, slender trunks and strikingly white, bell-shaped flowers that bloom in late spring and summer. However, it is in the fall that sourwood trees genuinely shine. Their glossy, dark green leaves transform into brilliant shades of red and crimson, contrasting with the pure white flowers they once bore. Sourwood trees often stand out among the landscape, their fiery foliage making them a focal point of any leaf-peeping expedition. Their presence adds a touch of sophistication to the autumn palette, making them a must-see for any foliage enthusiast.

Red Maple

Red maple trees (Acer rubrum) are perhaps the most iconic contributors to the autumn tapestry. These trees are widespread across North America and are known for their brilliant red leaves in the fall. The red maple's fiery display results from a chemical process triggered by the decreasing daylight and cooler autumn temperatures. The tree's leaves contain anthocyanins, which become more pronounced as chlorophyll, the green pigment, breaks down. The result is a mesmerizing crimson spectacle that can dominate the landscape. Red maples are favored for their reliability in producing stunning autumn colors, making them a cornerstone of the leaf-peeping experience.

Black Gum

Black gum trees (Nyssa sylvatica), also known as black tupelo or simply tupelo trees, are another autumn superstar. These deciduous trees are native to the eastern United States and are known for their vibrant red leaves in the fall. What sets black gum trees apart is the intensity of their color. The leaves of the black gum can turn a deep, almost purplish red, creating a mesmerizing contrast with the surrounding greenery. This striking display is a testament to the beauty of nature's artistry, as black gum trees transform into fiery beacons of autumnal splendor. When exploring the woods for autumn's treasures, watch for these magnificent trees to experience their unique and captivating beauty.


Hickory trees (Carya spp.) contribute to the autumn landscape with rustic charm. There are several species of hickory trees found across North America, each with its distinct foliage. Hickory leaves are typically pinnately compound, consisting of multiple leaflets arranged in a feather-like pattern. In the fall, hickory leaves take on a range of warm hues, including golden yellows, rich browns, and deep oranges. Hickory nuts, which these trees are famous for, often fall to the ground during this season, adding a delightful crunch underfoot as you explore the woods. While hickory trees may not boast the vivid reds of maples or the purples of black gums, their rustic autumn charm reminds them of the subtler but equally enchanting side of fall foliage.

Leaf peeping in autumn celebrates nature's artistry and the dazzling display of colors that trees provide during this magical season. From the mitten-shaped leaves of sassafras trees to the fiery reds of sourwood trees, the iconic red maples, the intense purples of black gums, and the rustic charm of hickory trees, each species contributes its unique beauty to the autumn palette. As you embark on your autumn leaf-peeping adventure, take the time to appreciate the individuality of these trees and the collective masterpiece they create, turning forests and landscapes into a canvas of vibrant, breathtaking colors.