Perennials Make Excellent Starter Gardens

Starting a garden can be overwhelming when selecting which plants to grow. Perennials are plants that have lived for over two years and come in various sizes, colors, and shapes. Choosing perennials for your starter garden has several advantages, such as their long lifespan, low maintenance requirements, and ability to provide continuous blooms year after year. 
Perennials Make Excellent Starter Gardens - Tree Nursery Co

What are Perennials, and Why Should You Choose Them for Your Starter Garden?

Starting a garden can be overwhelming when selecting which plants to grow. Perennials are plants that have lived for over two years and come in various sizes, colors, and shapes. Choosing perennials for your starter garden has several advantages, such as their long lifespan, low maintenance requirements, and ability to provide continuous blooms year after year. 

This article will look into perennials, their benefits, and tips for successfully growing and maintaining them in your starter space.

Perennials are plants with more than two years of lifespan, unlike annuals which complete their life cycle in one year. Perennials come in various sizes, colors, and shapes and are used for multiple purposes, such as groundcovers, border plants, and focal points in gardens; typical examples include roses, daylilies, peonies, and peonies hostas. 

Perennials come as herbaceous or woody varieties - herbaceous perennials die back to the ground during winter and regrowth the following spring; woody perennials maintain their structure year-round. The powerhouse of the perennials lies in their roots. Perennials utilize their first season to establish a robust root system before the first cold winter. 

Why Should You Choose Perennials for Your Starter Garden?

The following are reasons why you should choose them for your starter garden:

Perennials Require Less Maintenance

One of the most significant reasons is that they do not require yearly replanting. Gardeners reduce time and energy expenditure by not removing flower beds of plants from last year, sowing seeds, and composting and mulching an area each year. Furthermore, once perennials have been established, they require less attention as their roots can supply them with the nutrients they need.

Perennial Varieties

With time and planning, you can arrange the blooms of your garden—the annuals flower at the same time, however, with perennials. You can enjoy blooming flowers in the spring right through when the frost first appears.

Perennial Propagation

Perennials can last for an extended time but only for a short time. It is a blessing that many perennials propagate simply by splitting the root system. The root clumps are divided with care and planted to create new plants.



Perennials have a more extensive root system than annual plants and can access deeper nutrients within the soil. They carry these nutrients to the surface, where other plants can access them. Nitrogen, for instance, is a handy component for plant growth that can help draw upwards.



Like nutrients, the roots found in perennial plants also draw in water from the lower soil profile. This water is then accessible to other plants that have smaller root systems. It also helps to prevent soil from becoming dry and vulnerable to erosion.

Some perennials that are the best for your starter garden are the following:


Wild Geraniums

Wild geraniums are renowned for their low maintenance and are an absolute favorite for beginners and avid gardeners. They are a great choice if you require an accent of color in your garden. They can be grown from cuttings, seeds, or potted. Seedlings need between 12 and 16 weeks to bloom. 


Landscapers and gardeners love this plant for numerous good reasons! They're incredibly hardy by any standard. The zone of hardiness is 3-8, with some instances even as low as 7. It is best to plant the seeds in the sun and at the beginning of the day. Be sure to keep the soil moist so it is moist while you grow. Place them about 6-12 inches apart.


Tara Xacum


Contrary to what some might think, Tara Xacum is not considered a weed. Instead, it's a perennial plant providing the ground's green and yellow flowers for a long blooming season. It likes full sunlight. However, it can bloom in nearly any lighting condition except deep shade. It is a great plant to grow in USDA zones of hardiness for plants 3-10.


Perennials Make Excellent Starter Gardens

Dandelion Plants are among the species that we most misunderstand. North Americans slander this plant, call it a weed, and call for its destruction and removal. However, different cultures cultivate this plant, love it, and utilize it for its healthy leafy green leaves, stem, and herbal remedies.


The gardeners of today are considering the cute yellow flower. They know its importance as a pollinator, to help decompact soil, and as a groundcover plant to prevent soil erosion. The dandelion has been recapturing the hearts of a lot of American gardeners.


Blackberry Lily

The Blackberry Lily is an easy-care perennial that is an excellent accessory to any indoor or garden. The distinctive flowers with freckles of red and orange thrive in full sunlight and with a small amount of water. The seed pods contain a fantastic assortment of blackberries that create clusters. 


The fall and summer blooming flowers are approximately 2 inches in size. The large fan-shaped leaves are anywhere between 1 and 8 feet. While the plants have a shorter time frame and self-sow, they can be self-sown for rapid replacement. They are prolific and can be found virtually everywhere. It is elementary to propagate, and tubers and mature plants perform very well. 


Most often, they can be planted directly on the ground. Add a few drops of water, and you'll be able to view plants in about 4 to 6 weeks. In the winter, Lilies require less water. Avoid overwatering, as the roots are likely to rot. The growers must also stay clear of frost at all costs. The absolute minimum temperature needed to start a plant Blackberry lilies is 70 °.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Perennials

If you are choosing the plants to plant in your garden perennially, taking note of the hardiness zone, the lighting requirements, and the right timing of planting can go a long way in ensuring you succeed.


Know Your Hardiness Zone

Certain plants can withstand winter temperatures as low as -25°F, While others are killed even by the smallest frost. To aid gardeners in determining what plants can thrive in what areas, The USDA has created maps that divide the nation into 12 distinct zones based on the most extreme temperatures. The rooms that are not frost free such as in southern California, are located in Zone 12, While Fairbanks, Alaska, is in Zone 1.


When to Plant

The best moment to start planting perennials is during the autumn or spring when the plants emerge from or enter winter dormancy. Establishing root systems is also more straightforward when the weather remains calm and the soil is wet.


  1. Darkest purple areas should be planted between Jan-Mar and Oct-Nov
  2. Medium purple regions are best to grow in the months of April-May or September-Oct
  3. Light Purple areas must be planted between May and June or in September.



Most perennials start about similar in size; however, their maturity height can vary between four" to 60" tall. When choosing plants, consider where you'll put them and what plants will be around. Certain plants require many years to reach mature size. It's much simpler for you and better for the plant in the long run if they do not need to be relocated.

Sun and Shade

Certain plants require full sunlight, while others need shade. Combining plants in ideal lighting conditions helps keep plants healthy, happy, and beautiful. Check out your garden and yard to find areas where buildings and trees provide shade. Follow these guidelines for selecting the right plants.