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Ajuga Reptans

Ajuga Reptans

Ajuga Reptans is a fast-growing member of the mint family, plants that are known to spread quick enough via runners to become invasive in some areas. In fact, the reptans part of its Latin name means "to creep." It is a naturalized North American plant that was introduced from several places in Europe and Asia. The Plants Care And Maintenance The plants grow well in Hardiness Zones 3 through 10. They are susceptible of most any dirt kind, though they prefer slightly acidic. Fully grown plants generally stand 6" to 8" high; flower stalks can grow to 12". Each plant may extend up to 12", they quickly form mats, especially in shaded areas beneath other trees and shrubs. The plant is hardy enough to grow beneath black walnut trees. Where To Plant The Perennial The growth speed of the plant can be controlled by where they are planted. Plants in shadier areas tend to grow faster than those in sunnier areas. The plant is best planted in rock gardens, containers, edged beds, or in wide-open areas that need ground cover fast. They lend themselves well to erosion control. At home, they should not be planted near any less hardy flowers as they may choke them out. Dividing Ajuga Reptans They should be periodically divided and thinned, at minimum every third year. They flower through the spring and summer, generally beginning in May or June. Pinching off runners helps with this, too. The flowers are blue, purple, or white, though there is at least one cultivar with pink flowers. Other cultivar strains have leaves that are multi-colored or variegated. Beyond thinning, the Ajuga Reptans is relatively low-maintenance. It needs no extra fertilizer and is worry-free against most garden pests. In areas of high humidity, however, care should be taken to ensure properly drained soil to prevent southern rot. It is deer and rabbit-resistant. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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American Arborvitae

American Arborvitae

American Arborvitae is an evergreen, adaptable evergreen tree. It's pyramid shape makes it the obvious decision for windbreaks. It requires no consideration when utilized as a support or screen. Sets of these strong trees make extraordinary accents for entryways and garden doors. Furthermore, single trees make house corners seem a lot less glaring. The Tree Is Stunning In Landscapes Tall and exquisite, this tree might be the correct answer for your exterior design. This is an evergreen, keeping its green foliage all year. The tree develops to a tallness of 40– 60' and a spread of 10– 15' at development. This tree develops at a somewhat slow rate, with growth rates of one to two feet per year. Full sun is the perfect condition for this tree, which means it ought to get no less than six hours of direct, unfiltered daylight every day. The tree develops well in acidic, loamy, clammy, rich, sandy, silty topsoil and very much depleted, wet soils. American Arborvitae From Garden Plant Nursery Features minor, scale-like leaves that are pressed firmly together in segmenting lines on branchlets, showing in a straightened, fan-like shower. The leaves change from brilliant green in the mid-year to a huge number of rich yellow and dark colored green tints in the winter. It can be planted 3 feet apart for a low-maintenance hedge. It releases a pleasing aroma when leaves are squeezed. It yields light brown or reddish-brown oblong cones that are ⅜–½" long and persist through winter. Cone scales are blunt-tipped and separate from each other at the base. Wildlife Loves The Evergreen Tree Giving sanctuary in the winter and settling locales for grackles, robins, and house finches in the mid-year, this evergreen is additionally perused by cottontail rabbits, snowshoe hares, deer, and an infrequent moose. The seeds are eaten by red squirrels and birds, such as pine siskins. The name arborvitae is a Latin form of the French "l'arbre de vie," which means "tree of life." Linnaeus, the Swedish botanist who assigned the Latin name to this species, picked up on other traits. The genus name, Thuja, is from a Greek word for scent. Pressing the evergreen leaves discharges a fragrance that is known far and wide as nature's aroma. America arborvitae was valuable in early kayaks and prescriptions and turned into the principal North American tree to be acquainted with Europe. The explicit name, occidentalis, signifies "west," the bearing from Sweden where this tree was found.

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American Beech Seedlings - 10 Pack

American Beech Seedlings - 10 Pack

The American Beech tree is widely found throughout eastern North America, all the way from Canada to southern Texas. This speaks to its ability to withstand a variety of weather such as extreme cold and heat. It thrives in Hardiness Zones 3 - 9. It is a deciduous, shade favoring tree that prefers full sun and wet, aerated dirt with the ability for an easy moisture runoff. American Beech Seedlings Appearance Beeches climb to heights between 66 and 115 feet at a medium rate of 1-2 feet per year. Their trunks are wide, sometimes growing to a meter or more. Its silvery bark is thin and smooth to the touch. It stays that way throughout the tree's mature years. In crowded, shady spaces, the trunk extends high and spreads into few sturdy branches with dense overhead foliage. Its disposition changes in a sunnier territory, offering many horizontally extending limbs that create a sprawling, short crown. The leaves are wide ovals with saw-tooth edges and veins. They turn many shades of vibrant green during spring and summer, then peak to yellow or brown in the fall season. The Seedlings Bloom Time These trees flower in the early spring during April and May, displaying male flowers that are small, yellow, and ball-like. The female flowers are similar but have a reddish-brown scaling. They present at the ends of new twigs. They produce the aptly named beechnut in mass quantities every two or three years; it is a favorite treat of squirrels, birds, and other wildlife. Benefits Of Planting These Seedlings American Beech tree's thin roots tend to grow very close to the surface, making this tree ideal for areas where no other gardening is wanted or needed. Landscapers love to use beech trees on large properties needing that perfect spot of shade to relax. They can also be used as a decorative, effective shade cover for driveways on sprawling estates. Get Yours At Garden Plant Nursery

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American Holly Tree

American Holly Tree

The American Holly tree, scientifically known as Ilex opaca, is a native evergreen tree with a special place in American culture and landscapes. This iconic tree is commonly found in the eastern and southeastern regions of the United States, spanning from Massachusetts to Florida and west to Texas. Here, we'll explore the tree's key characteristics and cultural significance. The trees are known for their distinctive appearance. They typically grow to 15 to 50 feet and are pyramidal or conical. Their glossy, dark green leaves are leathery and spiny, with serrated edges, making them a classic symbol of the winter season. These leaves are a favorite food source for deer, which helps disperse the holly's seeds. One of the most striking features of the tree is its vibrant red berries. During the colder months, these berries nourish various bird species, including robins, cedar waxwings, and thrushes. The presence of these berries makes holly trees a valuable addition to wildlife-friendly gardens. American Holly Tree Is Used In Decor In addition to its ecological importance, the American holly tree has deep cultural significance. Its evergreen leaves and red berries have been associated with Christmas and winter festivities for centuries, making it a popular decoration during the holiday season. Holly wreaths, garlands, and branches adorn homes and symbolize hope and renewal during the winter solstice. Beyond its decorative use, the wood is highly sought after for its fine grain and durability, making it valuable for furniture making, cabinetry, and woodworking projects.   The Evergreen Tree Is Cherished In conclusion, the tree is a cherished native species in the United States, appreciated for its striking appearance, ecological importance, and cultural significance. Its evergreen foliage and bright red berries symbolize resilience and hope during winter, while its wood remains a prized resource for various practical applications. Buy Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Annual Phlox

Annual Phlox

Annual Phlox is closely related to the carnation. It is native to southern Europe and some parts of Asia. When the plants grow to maturity, it has a cluster of approximately 30 flowers, at the height of the stem. The flowers have five petals. The wild plants have red flowers, which are white at the rim. It has hundreds of hybrid plants that come in various colors like pink, white, and purple. Some hybrid plants, also come in a variety of patterns. Annual Phlox Is An Attractive Addition to Any Garden It is a very attractive plant that is a compliment to any garden. They come in a vast assortment of colors and patterns. The plant blossoms have attractively fringed edges, which adds to their beauty. It also has a spicy aroma, which makes it a great addition to your garden. The spicy aroma, also makes it ideal for cut flower arrangements. Origins Of The Plant It grows for two years, and it blooms in the second year. The plants origins are found in the mountains of southern Europe, northeastern China, Korea, and southeastern Russia. It is now grown all over the United States of America. These hybrid plants bloom in the spring and produce pink, white, purple, and other various color petals. The Annuals Are Excellent for Containers and Pots Annual Phlox plants not only look good in gardens, but they also look great in pots and containers. The plants are compact enough to look great in flower beds, vertical planters, and window sills. The plants can make any area more attractive. They come in an array of colors and patterns so they will enhance your garden, or they look great as a potted plant. This plant will brighten up any area. Get Yours At Garden Plant Nursery

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Apple Fruit Trees

Apple Fruit Trees

Apple trees are among the most iconic and widely cultivated fruit trees worldwide. These deciduous trees belong to the Rosaceae family, which includes other fruit-bearing plants like roses, cherries, and pears. They are appreciated for their delicious, versatile fruit and cultural and historical significance. They are native to Central Asia but have been cultivated in various parts of the world for thousands of years. They can grow in multiple climates, making them adaptable to different regions. These trees typically reach 15 to 30 feet and have a rounded canopy of lush green leaves. The Fruit Of The Tree One of the most remarkable features of the tree is its fruit production. Thanks to the countless apple cultivars developed over centuries, apples come in various colors, sizes, and flavors. From sweet and crisp apples like Honeycrisp and Fuji to tart and juicy varieties like Granny Smith and Braeburn, there's an apple for every palate. The trees require specific conditions for optimal growth and fruit production. They thrive in well-drained soil with good air circulation and total sun exposure. Proper pruning and maintenance are essential to ensure healthy tree development and maximum fruit yield. They also benefit from cross-pollination, where bees and other pollinators transfer pollen between apple tree varieties, enhancing fruit production. The History Of The Apple Fruit Trees Beyond their fruit-bearing qualities, the apple trees have cultural and symbolic significance in many societies. The apple is often associated with love, temptation, and knowledge in folklore and mythology. The fruit plays a prominent role in various religious stories and traditions, including the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible. In conclusion, they are a beloved and essential part of horticulture and human culture. Their versatility, adaptability, and rich history make them a cherished addition to gardens and orchards worldwide, providing fruit and a connection to our agricultural heritage. Buy Yours At Garden Plant Nursery

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Arrowwood Viburnum

Arrowwood Viburnum

The Arrowwood Viburnum, also known as the Southern arrowwood or European cranberry bush is a small, shrubby garden plant that displays few flowers but plentiful foliage. The leaves are glossy, abundant, and turn reddish in autumn. This deciduous tree requires little care when properly planted because it flourishes in barren soil and full sun. It should be planted in an area with at least six to eight hours of sun daily or where it will receive adequate light from a nearby structure such as a deck, porch, or house. Where To Plant The Shrub The shrub is hardy and adaptable but the young plant may droop when exposed to wind. This type of irritation will pass after a short time and should not be a cause for alarm. The shrub grows well in several soil types but requires the same conditions to thrive: full sun, well-draining soil, and mulch regularly. The shrub has little to no pests or disease problems and is easy to tend to, making it an ideal option for newbie gardeners. Benefits Of Planting Arrowwood Viburnum From Garden Plant Nursery It is a good choice for the home garden because it requires little care when properly planted yet provides deep shade and vibrant foliage. It is a deciduous tree that grows in several soil types. Although it requires sun, it can be pruned to provide full shade. Caring For The Stunning Plant If properly watered and fertilized, the shrub will rise to 15 feet tall and 15 feet wide. Although this plant is not fussy about soil conditions, it prefers a well-draining loam or sandy loam. The shrub requires little care unless it is being grown in a small area with limited sunlight. If prompted by restricted sunlight, the tree can be cut to five feet and shaped. It is a good choice for areas where the viburnum will receive adequate light from a nearby structure such as a porch or house. The arrowwood viburnum gets its name from its shapely branches that form an "arrow." This plant has edible fruit that can be used in jams or jellies. It is not necessary to prune this plant, but if the viburnum seems overgrown, it can be cut back to five feet. The tree will regenerate without any issues.

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Bald Cypress Tree

Bald Cypress Tree

Bald Cypress Tree has an above average growth rate of over two feet a year helping this tree to reach its mature height of near 70 feet in zones 4 thru 10 and endures nearly every soil condition making it one of nature’s more adaptable varieties. Bald Cypress Trees and Its Individual Traits: While in most planting instances the tree is thought to be more of a swampy bog tree but contrary to that is the ability of this tree to withstand drought conditions. This deciduous conifer makes a perfect home for many wildlife species in its massive size. The flowers that exist on the they are a faded brownish color not complimenting the diverse leaves of the large tree. An extremely long life can be expected from this pyramidal shaped tree making its landscape placement perfect for privacy rows or barrier screens. The speed of growth that this tree possesses at nearly two and a half feet a year will provide that screens in record time making them an excellent landscape choice for those wanting fast results. Bald Cypress Trees Landscaping Potential This being a strong durable species of trees they have the great potential to help rehabilitate and refurbish many areas around lakes and streams. It has also been known to help serve those needing to work toward mosquito control as added shading and a living canopy. The ornamental potential for this tree that was at one time only considered a swamp tree is tremendous. Its unique leaf or needle appearance makes a beautiful accent for any landscaping design. The Trees Ever Growing Adaptability Having been found for centuries in swampy areas this tree has begun to make its way into the Northern United States in locations such as Milwaukee proving once again that it has the capability to adapt well to different climates and soil conditions. Get Yours Today At Garden Plant Nursery One odd fact of the Bald Cypress Tree is the loss of their needles in the fall completely opposite of the normal deciduous conifer family of trees. As those feathery like needles prepare to fall from the tree they turn a wonderful orange shade of color. This tree has made such impressions on people of the past that poetry and prose have been composed listing its many attributes as well as its majestic qualities.

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Bamboo Plant

Bamboo Plant

The bamboo plant's physical appearance is a perennial plant that is green in color for most parts of the year. It is a monocotyledonous plant. It is a plant sub-classified in the grass family, particularly the Bambusoideae family. The scientific name for the common plant is Bambusa vulgaris. Bamboo Plant Grows Very Fast Because they are monocots, the plants lack the cambium, therefore, the plants rarely grow in girth. However, they are among the world's fastest-growing plants with an average of 36 cm every 24 hours. The stems are yellow with intermittent green strips. A mature bamboo plant can grow up to 20m in height and about 10cm in circumference. Additionally, the plants do not require a lot of sunshine for its growth. They prefer areas that are not well lit with partial shade. However, this varies from species to species. Natively types plants grow in the tropical and subtropic zones. Where To Plant It The preferred soil type is volcanic soil as it is well aerated, has adequate drainage, and retains optimum moisture that facilitates its rhizomes' growth. The plant thrives in temperate climate. Native plantations are located in South Asia and sub-Saharan regions in Africa. However, due to increased demand for the plant as a raw product in many industries, people are slowly embracing it in cultivation. The bloom color and bloom season are important determinants in determining the right time to harvest the plant. A mature plant is tall and yellow. It has a smooth exterior surface, and it is hard to break due to the extensive lignification process. This Perennial Lives For Many Years Research indicates that the best bloom season to harvest the plant is during the dry season. A mature bamboo plant should be at least four years. During this time, the plant tries to conserve its starch sources in readiness for the next shooting season. Its maturity for harvest is characterized by small white specks on the bamboo stem. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery 

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Baneberry is a relatively large species of flowering plant, which are native to North America, including the Midwestern and Eastern regions of the United States, as well as Eastern Canada. Like the name implies, this flowering plant grows from 1½ to 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide and its white and black berries closely resemble the appearance of eyes. This plant is also known by a variety of alternate names, including necklace weed and white cohosh. Its berries, which ripen in summer, contain cardiogenic toxins that are harmless to birds, but both plant and berries are poisonous to humans if consumed. The Beauty Of Baneberry This plant is of the genus Actaea and of the family Ranunculaceae. It prefers clay-like soil and is typically found in deciduous, wooded areas. They are an herbaceous perennial, with compound, toothed, bipinnate leaves which grow to lengths of up to 16 in long and up to 12 cm in width. Its stems are thick and reddish in color, with white flowers atop them, which bloom into a dense raceme in spring time and grow to about 10 cm in length. Growing This Perennial Baneberry is easy to grow and is typically cultivated for use in both wildflower and more traditional gardens as an ornamental flowering plant. To cultivate this plant yourself, be sure to plant it in rich, loamy soil, providing water regularly with adequate drainage consistent with its natural environment. They require full shade and are best cultivated in USDA plant zones. If you wish to grow them from seeds, you should wait until late autumn if planting outdoors or in late winter if planting indoors. It requires minimal care once the plant is established. You may also be able to find this species of plant available for sale in garden centers that are experts in native plants or wildflowers. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Bearded Iris

Bearded Iris

The Bearded Iris bulbs are easy to plant and they can spread rather quickly. These perennials are hardy in US Zones 3-9, needing a freeze so they can go dormant. Planting Bearded Iris They need to be planted in late summer or early fall. The Iris like a sunny spot with at least six hours of full sun to help to keep the rhizomes dry. They grow best in a neutral soil and only need granular fertilizer a couple times a year. The best times to feed them is in the early spring and after they bloom. It's best to plant them about 16-18 inches apart for good air circulation. They do not need mulching because constant moisture will rot the rhizomes. To preserve the energy of the plant, remove the seed pod that forms after they have bloomed. To ensure a healthier plant, prune back the foliage in the fall. Caring For This Stunning Perennial It should be divided every three to four years if they are thickly clustered. Dividing should be done in late summer. Rhizomes, their root structure, can die off as new ones form to cause crowding and slow the blooms from forming. Dividing them will give the plants new ground for growth. Find It At Garden Plant Nursery Today To divide Bearded Iris, use a garden spade or fork, carefully lifting them out of the soil trying to avoid damaging the rhizomes. Slowly pull the plants apart using your hands while examining them for dead or damaged rhizomes. Use a knife to separate baby rhizomes from the parent, making sure the knife has been sanitized with ten percent bleach water between cuts. Discard any damaged or diseased plant parts. Replant, fanning the roots, and leaving a portion of the rhizome exposed. Put the plants about 12 to 18 inches separated, clipping the tops down to 4-6 inches.

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Beech Tree

Beech Tree

The Beech tree is named for more than patriotic regions. Also referred to as the North American type, this particular species is native to America with most of the growing locations found in the eastern area of the United States along with some on the very southeastern portion of Canada. The range of growth goes as far west as Wisconsin and south all the way down to Florida. There is even a variation in Mexico that is considered related by some to the tree. A few varieties of this particular tree are recognized though considered less distinct in the differences. The Beech Tree Can Get Huge It is a deciduous tree that has a growth potential ranging from 66 to 115 feet. One of the more distinctive feature characterized by this particular tree is that of their branches and winter twigs, which can be long, thin and paired in their growth towards the sky. The bark is a little scale-like and in particular the buds have overlapping rows of scales. One of the easy to distinguish characteristics is the bud that often has been referred to as resembling a cigar, making it easier to determine among other trees. The Tree Can Thrive In Shade It is also a more shade-tolerant tree compared to many others and is commonly found in forests due to its nature. They favor a combination of well-watered but also a good drainage system for growth with more requirements for moisture and rich soils than other options. Aside from appearance, the tree also has a common food item for certain wildlife known as the beech nut. Get Yours It At Garden Plant Nursery The Beech tree holds a strong place with a wide canopy, varying fall colors, and multiple uses ranging from yards and nature to those found lining golf courses. Not a fast grower, it's a tree for generations, one that is planted now to be enjoyed long term, for centuries to come.

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Bird's Foot Violet

Bird's Foot Violet

The Bird's Foot Violet grows well in zones 4 to 8 but can grow in zones that are just outside of these ranges. These zones include states that are along the norther border of the country, such as Montana and North Dakota. The zones also include states that are located in the center of the country including Colorado and Missouri. Bird's Foot Violet Bloom Season Although the plants typically grow in the spring months, they can also be seen blooming in early fall. However, the brightest blooms are seen in March and April with brighter colors seen in areas where there is more rain. Blooms on the plant can be different colors, but most are in shades of blue and purple. The top portion of the petals is usually a darker shade than what is seen on the bottom with many lower areas being light blue or white. With few leaves on the plant, other colors that are typically seen are the brown shades of the stems. The Perennial's Height at Maturity It is a small plant. Our flowers usually grow close to three inches in height when they reach maturity. They tend to spread along the ground instead of growing vertically. The Plant's Soil Type Preferred Dry or sandy soil is preferred by the plant. It can sometimes be a bit difficult to get the plant started because it grows better in dry conditions. However, once the roots begin to spread in the soil, the plant tends to grow rather quickly. Get Yours Today At Garden Plant Nursery Growing along the ground, the Bird's Foot Violet is a plant that enjoys plants of the same kind. It can also be seen growing in clumps instead of sparsely on the ground. Blooms on the plant are broad and are usually shades of purple and blue.

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Bishop Weed

Bishop Weed

Bishop Weed has hardy leaves that are rich green in color, with white markings. The white markings are on the border of the leaves, which are toothed. Some leaves on the plant are lobed into three sections, while others are complete. The leaves grow three to a stem. The flowers are white or blue in color. It's Appearance The plant grows well over 1 ft tall, usually about 14 in. in height. The flowering portion of the plant consists of many, countless tiny flowers that make up a fluffy bunch. The flowers do not have a particular fragrance, but they are notable for their beautiful appearance. They begin blooming blue or white blossoms in late Spring. Caring for The Perennial This plant flourishes nicely in USDA Hardiness Zones 3 through 9. It requires soil that drains well. The soil can be of almost any pH and it can be rocky, sandy or rich in organic matter. The plant is very adaptable when it comes to the ground it is grown in. The foliage takes over, so you don't have to worry about weeding because the leaves will block out any tiny weeds from growing beneath. Bishop Weed Landscaping Uses You can grow the plant in receptacles or straight in the soil. You can plant this plant in an area of landscaping that doesn't get too much sun, because it is very adaptable. If for some reason you need to plan to in an area that gets a lot of direct sun, you can do this too. The value of the plant in landscaping is that it is versatile so it can fill in gaps where other plants would have more specific needs. Garden Plant Nursery Has A Variety Of Companion Plants You may choose to plant Bishop Weed as the centerpiece of your garden, as the flowers are breathtaking. You may also use it as a border plant, planting many of them in a row next to one another so that they grow tall to create a privacy hedge. The uses for this plant in landscaping are versatile and you will find that it adapts well to nearly any garden.

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Black Chokeberry

Black Chokeberry

Black Chokeberry Black Chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) is a North American deciduous shrub. From its species name, melanocarpa, it bears black fruits, features white flowers as well as red fall foliage. It is a tough shrub that has wide tolerance to a number of soil densities, textures, moisture conditions and pH levels. It can be planted in hardiness zones 3-8 and grows 3-6 feet tall at maturity. And spreads to a width of 6 – 10 feet. It spreads to form a mound shape. This shrub thrives nicely in wet and dry locations and in areas where the soil is acidic or alkaline. It thrives well in areas whose soil texture is sandy, loam or clay. It also does well in soil with a pH of 5.1 – 6.5 but it can tolerate higher values. The shrub can be planted in either partial shade or full sun. It's growth speed can be described as slow to fast depending on the prevailing environmental factors. The Shrub's Appearance The leaves emerge in a medium green color and measure 1 -3". In early spring, the shrub has a showy display of white flowers in clusters referred to as corymbs. As the season advances, the leaves change to a deep and glossy green, which makes the shrub brighten as well as increase its appeal during the summer's dog days. From mid to the end of summer, the berries start developing and within a span of two weeks, the branches are overwhelmed with the fruit clusters. This makes the shrub acquire a purplish black appearance and the 1/3 – ½ inch berries continue developing until the month of January. At this time, they are usually unappetizing to birds. Landscaping With Garden Plant Nursery Plants Black chokeberry bush can be a great addition to your Landscape gardens with careful attention. The shrub can be grown in the garden in order to attract bees and birds to it. It can also be grown in the garden to act as a windbreaker.

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Black Cohosh Plant

Black Cohosh Plant

Black Cohosh is known as Actaea racemosa is part of the daffodil and buttercup family and is a native North American plant. It's a fast-growing plant that can thrive in a variety of well-drained soil types. It's a beautiful flower that can adorn gardens and natural areas around your home. They do best in zones 4-9 and are fairly drought tolerant. Black Cohosh's Flowers The flower can grow anywhere between 12-24 inches tall. It blossoms during the months of June, July, and August, and last for three weeks. Its flowers don't have petals, instead, they look like a cluster white pearls. They also, resemble a large candle that stands out nicely among summers blooms. They hold their color longer than other shade plants. Its stem is narrow and smooth and divides into three parts as it grows. Its flowers have an unusual smell that some might say is unpleasant. It repels insects like bees, gnats, and flies. In the past the root was used to treat snakebites. It's also a pollinator and deer resistant. The Perennial's Appearance One stalk can contain dozens of these peal like flowers. As it grows it takes on a shade of green that gives it a unique appearance, though they tend to fall off shortly after the flowers bloom. Black cohosh is usually found in shaded to partially shaded areas, but it can grow in full sun as well. Shop Garden Plant Nursery  This plant not only looks great in the yard but can be used medicinally as well. The extract of this unique plant is believed to help with inflammation and work as a sedative. Women have been known to use it to help with painful menstrual symptoms and relax the muscles of the uterus. It can also be used to lessen cough spasms that come with bronchitis and pneumonia.

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Black Eyed Susan

Black Eyed Susan

Black-eyed Susan, scientifically known as Rudbeckia hirta, is a vibrant and popular flowering plant native to North America. It belongs to the Asteraceae family and is renowned for its striking golden-yellow petals with a dark brown to black central cone. This distinctive appearance has earned it the common name "Black-eyed Susan." These beautiful wildflowers are aesthetically pleasing and hold cultural significance and ecological importance. The Growth Of The Perennial They typically grow as perennial wildflowers in their native habitat, which stretches from the eastern United States to the Midwest. However, they are often cultivated as annuals or perennials in gardens and landscapes due to their long-lasting and robust nature. These hardy plants can thrive in various soil types and are drought-tolerant, making them a popular choice for low-maintenance gardens. One of their most attractive features is their ability to attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies. These insects are drawn to the bright flowers, aiding pollination and supporting local ecosystems. Furthermore, these flowers are known for their versatility, as they can be used in various landscaping settings, from wildflower meadows and cottage gardens to formal flower beds and borders. Black-eyed Susan Symbolism In terms of symbolism, black-eyed Susan's is often associated with encouragement and motivation, symbolizing the strength and determination needed to overcome challenges. They have also found their way into various folk traditions, with some Native American tribes using them for many purposes. In conclusion, black-eyed Susan is a visually stunning and ecologically valuable wildflower with a rich cultural history. Its bright, cheery appearance, adaptability, and role in supporting pollinators make it a favorite among gardeners and nature enthusiasts alike. Whether you encounter them in the wild or cultivate them in your garden, they are a delightful addition to any landscape, adding beauty and ecological benefits to their surroundings. Buy Yours At Garden Plant Nursery

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Black Gum Tree

Black Gum Tree

The Black Gum tree, Nyssa sylvatica is another good choice for your property, and if you admire natural, symmetrical beauty, this pyramid-shaped tree is a stunner. The plant also delivers gorgeous color in both the summer and fall and often features stunning red, yellow, orange, and purple leaves in autumn. Best of all, novice gardeners can grow this tree with ease and enjoy the exquisite visual interest it brings to any location. Black Gum Tree Will Grow Just About Anywhere The tree thrives in USDA zones 4 to 9 and does well in a number of different climates. The plant can handle both heat and cold and isn't bothered by any kind of soil. For instance, the tree would prefer soil with good drainage and a loamy, acidic-pH content but will also grow under poor drainage or with clay, sandy, or gravelly soil. Since this tree type grows slowly and will take a number of years to attain mature height (30 feet), you want to plant the tree in a permanent location so that its long taproot can continue to reach deep under the ground and establish itself. Also, choose a spot that will offer your new plant full to partial sunlight. Arborists suggest that means four hours of direct sunlight on most days. The tree has ornamental beauty that others admire when they notice it gracing a landscape. It's an elegant choice to order online for your property that you can find at low prices. The plant ships fast and is delivered anywhere nationwide, which makes it easy to purchase. In addition, the ornamental tree is a strong one and doesn't pose issues with diseases or pests. The Tree Has Small White Flowers In Late Spring You'll enjoy the months of April and May when small, pretty, greenish-white flowers bloom that later will produce small, fleshy, blue-black fruit balls that birds really enjoy. The dark, green, glossy leaves are also impressive and can grow from three to six inches in length. Find A Tree Today At Garden Plant Nursery Even the bark of the tree is attractive, and fans of this tree liken the bark to alligator skin. It's a must-see, for sure. Watering, fertilizing, and pruning are all minimal for this tree species, so it's not a challenging plant to grow. If you're excited about adding handsome, dependable trees to your landscape, then the Black Gum is an awesome choice as a single specimen/shade tree or used in groups.

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Black Haw Viburnum

Black Haw Viburnum

Black Haw Viburnum, also simply called black haw, is a shrubby tree that grows up from 12 to 15 feet high with a canopy that is 6 to 12 feet wide feet wide when left unpruned. When pruned to a single stem and grown as a tree, the black haw reaches heights of 30 feet with a canopy that reaches 20 feet wide. It is a native plant that thrives nicely in Hardiness Zones 3 through 9. Where To Plant Black Haw Viburnum The black haw prefers full sun to partial shade, with sunnier locations producing bushes with more abundant flowers and fruit. The tree flourishes in an assortment of soil types, but prefers well-drained soil that is amended with compost and organic material. During hot weather, this drought-resistant tree grows well when watered regularly. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery In landscaping, it is an ornamental that is used to create borders, privacy screens and diverse garden bed displays. Black haw is suitable for planting in dense clusters to create privacy screens. In spring, the black haw produces clusters of white flowers that attract bees and butterflies, while birds are attracted to the berries that ripen in autumn. Black haw berries are edible, and are often used to make jams. The Appearance Of The Shrub In autumn, black haws produce vivid foliage, with bronze, red and purple leaves. It has an irregular, mounded shape and dark green, obovate leaves. The leaves are glossy and appear in opposite each other on the branches. The dense branches are packed with abundant twigs, while the brown bark is rough and has an alligator skin pattern. In summer, the tree produces noticeable buds. To avoid removing new buds, prune Black Haw Viburnum immediately after the blooms fall off in spring or summer. Black haw berries are light green when they appear in early summer, and gradually ripen to blue or black in autumn. The berries may shrivel during autumn or winter.

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Black Oak Seedlings - 10 Pack

Black Oak Seedlings - 10 Pack

Black oak seedlings are young, developing trees of the Quercus velutina species, commonly known as the black oak. These seedlings represent the early stages of the tree's life cycle and hold significant ecological importance in forest ecosystems. Here are some key aspects of black oak seedlings: Identification: They typically have small, slender stems with leaves that feature distinctive lobes. Their leaves are dark green on top and paler underneath, with a glossy texture. As they mature, the tree bark becomes rough and deeply furrowed. Habitat: They are native to eastern and central North America, thriving in various habitats, including upland forests, dry slopes, and open woodlands. They are particularly well-suited to well-drained soils and can tolerate multiple environmental conditions. Growth Rate Of The Black Oak Seedlings Their growth rate varies depending on soil, moisture, and competition with other vegetation. These seedlings can increase and develop into mature trees in favorable conditions over several decades. Ecological Role: The black oak seedlings play a crucial role in forest ecosystems. They provide habitat and food for various wildlife species, including squirrels and deer. Additionally, their acorns are an essential food source for many animals, contributing to the ecosystem's biodiversity. Uses Of The Remarkable Seedlings The wood is valued for its strength and durability. It has been used for various purposes, including furniture making, cabinetry, and flooring. Today, it is still sought after for these applications. Conservation: They are an essential part of forest regeneration efforts. Conservationists and foresters often include them in reforestation projects to restore or enhance forested areas. These efforts help maintain the species' genetic diversity and promote the ecosystem's health. In summary, the black oak seedlings are the young, early-stage plants of the tree species, contributing to the biodiversity and ecological health of their native habitats. They have cultural and economic significance due to the quality of their wood, and they play a vital role in reforestation and conservation efforts aimed at preserving North American forests. Buy Them At Garden Plant Nursery

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Black Raspberry

Black Raspberry

Black Raspberry is a variety close to red raspberries that are native to North America. Despite their name, they are not considered to be berries. They are actually classified as aggregate fruit made up of little bumps also known as drupulets. Black Raspberry Appearance They resemble blackberries in appearance but differ in several ways. They have a short growing season, while blackberries can be produced throughout the year in many areas. Also, they have a hollow center when they are picked. Blackberries will have a white or green core when they are picked from the stem. They differ from them in that they are higher in antioxidants. They also grow in only certain regions, while they can grow almost anywhere in North America. they are typically found in most any grocery store. However, they are usually not found in stores and are more often used to make dietary supplements. Where To Plant The Shrub They grow best in USDA zones five through eight. In some cases, they may be grown in zone four. However, they must be planted on a northern slope to protect from frost. They begin to produce fruit in early June, and the berries will only last for about two to three weeks. They usually ripen before red raspberries. The Growth Of The Plant They will first appear as a bright red color. You will know when Black Raspberries are ready to pick as they will have turned completely black. The bushes grow to be about two to four feet high. They have thorns and can be used as security plants in front of home windows. They do not prefer wet, soggy soil and grow better in well-drained areas. They also grow much better when exposed to full sun and can even bounce back in most drought situations. Get Yours Today At Garden Plant Nursery 

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Black Walnut Tree

Black Walnut Tree

The black walnut tree is very popular because of its beautiful deep-brown to black bark and its vigorous growth habit. As it matures, it forms a round crown of branches and leaves as wide as the tree is tall. This tree is well-suited to shading large landscapes, either alone or in stands. It will grow to approximately 50 to 75 feet high when fully grown, but very old trees have been known to reach 150 feet in height. Birds Love The Black Walnut Tree Its drip line will spread 50 to 75 feet wide. They require full sunlight and are intolerant of shade. Juglans Nigra prefers well-drained, neutral soil. Consider planting stands of these trees to promote pollination and increase nut production. Birds and small forest creatures will be attracted to them. The tree drops large, green husks containing black walnuts in October after its leaves have fallen. The nuts attract wildlife such as squirrels, foxes, and woodpeckers, which makes it an ideal tree for your family of birdwatchers. The Tree Will Provide Sustainable Nuts In The Future In addition to being a great shade tree, it has many practical uses. The nuts of Juglans Nigra, known as the nuts, can be harvested. The shells can be used to make rich, brown organic dyes for cloth and wools. Older trees can be tapped for their sweet sap. Because of all its uses, this is an excellent tree for the homesteader. Get Yours Today At Garden Plant Nursery It is important to find the right companion plants for the trees. This tree does discourage the growth of some plants beneath its drip line. However, many beautiful companion plants will thrive beneath its shade, such as trilliums, hosta, cinnamon ferns, spanish bluebells, and bellflowers. Black walnut trees are known for their longevity: The oldest Juglans Nigra on earth is 300 years old. Zone - 4-9. Mature Height: 50-75 ft. Mature Width: 50-75 ft. Growth/Year: 3-4 ft. Sunlight: Full Sun. Soil Conditions: Well-drained, neutral soils.

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Black Willow Live Stakes -  Package of 100

Black Willow Live Stakes - Package of 100

Black Willow is a drought-tolerant tree that handles both sun and shade well; Black Willow Live Stakes are a great choice. These trees grow well in zones 3-9 and are deciduous and fast-growing. They grow quickly and are popular landscape choices due to their aesthetic appeal. Since the trees are relatively small, they are used to shade patios and decks, but can also be planted as a border. The Lovely Appearance Black Willow Live Stakes They are also known as Rough Leaf Dogwood Shrubs and bloom from the middle of the spring until the end of summer. At maturity, the tree is between 16 and 20 feet high. The leaves have a smooth texture and feature veins that grow up to 4 inches in length. They have medium to light green leaves. In the fall, the leaves turn into a pronounced shade of red that glimmer in the autumn sun. If your soil tends to collect too much moisture, it is an ideal plant, since it helps prevent soil erosion. These Live Stakes Are Hardy And Low Maintenance These trees can thrive in cold and dry weather, and grow best in moist, well-drained soil. Black Willow Live Stakes thrive in various types of weather, but the fruit and flowers are especially healthy when it gets more sunlight. The flowers are a stark white hue and bloom in the middle of the spring and into the summer. Even though the tree is in the Dogwood family, it is resistant to the pests and small animals that are normally attracted to dogwoods. At the end of the summer and into the fall, the tree produces berry-like fruit that various animals use for food, including squirrels, butterflies, and insects that feed on nectar. Several birds, including the American goldfinch, are attracted to this tree, which makes your landscape even more beautiful. Buy Yours At Garden Plant Nursery Today

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Black Willow Tree

Black Willow Tree

Black willow is a deciduous tree that is famous for its irregular shape. It is the only species in the genus Salix to be found in North America and Europe. It can grow very fast, reaching up to 20 meters high (65 ft). The trunk diameter of this type of tree may vary between 60 cm (24 inches) and 2 m (6.5 ft). The bark is fairly thin, smooth, and dark grey or blackish. They are among the most common trees in the United Kingdom, particularly in Scotland where they outnumber native trees. The Black Willow Tree Has Stunning Foliage The leaves of willow are quite simple, with two types of leaf shoots on the same tree. They are slender and yellowish-green, about 2 to 5 centimeters (0.79 to 1.97 in) long, but they can reach up to 10 cm (3.9 in). The leaves grow at the base of the stem, which has small fine roots that help the tree to stand upright. The leaves are covered with fine hair along the stems and they can easily detach from the twig when touched. The Flowers Of The Tree They produce flowers in late winter or spring before the leaves appear on the trees. They grow in clusters of three to six, and they have a strong fragrance that is very noticeable. Willows are dioecious, which means that each tree has either male or female flowers. Male flowers have four stamens, while female ones only have two stamens and a three-carpel ovary. The fruit is very small, but it can be found in large amounts on the trees after pollination. It is an achene, a small dry fruit with one seed inside. It can be red or yellow when ripe but it becomes dark brown soon after the pollination occurs. For this reason, willow flowers are mainly white to avoid being picked by animals that usually take fruits with high nutritional value. Why To Buy Your Plants From Garden Plant Nursery Black willow trees are mainly chosen because of their appearance. Their thin bark goes nicely with the silhouette of the tree and it contrasts well with other species that produce thicker barks. Another reason why people like these trees is that they grow fast; black willows can reach up to 20 meters high (65 ft) after only 20 years, which makes them suitable for smaller gardens. They are also used as ornamental trees as they produce a lot of flowers.

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Blackberry Lily

Blackberry Lily

Blackberry Lily, also known as the belamcanda chinensis, are from the Iris family and have clusters of black fruit that grow after flowering. The fruit is very similar to that of blackberries and the flowers are shaped like stars with six petals each. They measure about 2 inches across. The lilies are pale orange or yellow in color on the "flabellata" and the petals are spotted. This is why they are sometimes quite often referred to as the Leopard Flower. Using Blackberry Lily In Your Landscape The plant is a perennial that is normally grown for its unique black berries that form in clusters when its seedpods slip open. This usually occurs in the fall. They are quite fascinating and make great arrangements for your home. The plant has an orange flower color and has a chartreuse/gold foliage. The plant provides a very colorful fall foliage, blooms in the summer and is a winter interest. It is very tolerant of drought conditions, does quite well in containers, and is very low maintenance. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery Today Blackberry Lily are actually grown from bulbs, or tubers, and these bulbs can be planted anytime of the year, as long as the ground is not frozen. It is best to plant these gorgeous lilies in a sunny or lightly shaded area with well-draining soil for the best results. It's also best to keep the soil moist. The flowers of the plant last one day, but they are continually blooming during their bloom season. A dry cluster of black fruits will form after the blooms are gone. The blooms will close at night in a twisting form and their foliage is similar to that of the Iris plant, and can reach up to three feet tall. Attributes Of This Perennial  Climate Zone: 5-10 Mature Height: From 1 to 8 Feet Mature Width: 15-20 Inches Wide Sunlight: Part Sun, Sun Soil Conditions: Well-Draining Soil Botanical Name: Belamcanda Chinensis

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Blackberry Plant

Blackberry Plant

The Blackberry Plant is a native, popular plant in the west and can tolerate a large range of climate conditions. They will begin blooming from the middle of April to early May if they are planted in USDA zone 7 and south. If planted in the cooler climates found north of zone 7, you can expect the blooms to begin in the latter part of May. The Beautiful Flowers Of Blackberry Plant When examined closely, the flowers of the plant are white, and the flower itself will have five petals. The leaves of the plant will be dark green. The bushes are perennial plants that can increase up to 10 feet tall and wide when provided with adequate care and maintenance. They typically produce thorny stems, dark green leaves, and an abundance of edible berries that range in color from deep red to almost black. These bushes prefer full sun exposure and well-draining soil, and can be trained to grow on trellises or fences for support. Where To Plant The Shrub With proper pruning and regular fertilization, the bushes can yield a bountiful harvest of sweet and juicy fruit for many years. These plants grow best if they are planted in a well-drained, fertile soil. To help your plants grow well, adding manure or compost is a good idea. Planting the plants in areas that get full sunlight is essential for optimal growth. The plants should not be planted in areas where potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, or eggplant have been previously grown. These particular plants are often host to a fungus known as Verticillium, which can cause blackberries to experience root rot. Caring For Your Plants From Garden Plant Nursery Blackberry Plants are a perennial shrub found in the family Rosaceae. There are 237 species of them worldwide. The fruit has three distinct stem types: arching, erect, and trailing. The leaves of the bush are bright green and prickly, so care must be taken when picking the berries. The bushes can live up to ten years and are self-fruitful, meaning you will only need to plant one cultivar. Five or six plants generally produce enough berries for four individuals.

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Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower, scientifically known as Gaillardia, is a striking and colorful perennial plant known for its vibrant daisy-like flowers and ability to attract pollinators to gardens. Native to North and South America, this plant is a popular choice among garden enthusiasts for its low maintenance requirements and stunning appearance. The most distinctive feature of the flower is its blossoms, which typically measure 2 to 3 inches in diameter. They have a prominent central disk surrounded by brightly colored ray petals that can be found in various shades of red, orange, yellow, and sometimes even bi-color combinations. The vibrant hues make it a standout in any garden, and its warm colors are often associated with summer and fall landscapes. Where To Grow Blanket Flower Blanket flowers do well in dry soil and full sun, making them an excellent choice for sunny borders, rock gardens, or even xeriscape gardens. They are known for their drought tolerance, making them a perfect option for regions with hot, dry summers. Once established, these hardy perennials require minimal care and are resistant to pests and diseases. One of the appealing aspects of them is their capability to attract pollinators. The nectar-rich flowers serve as a valuable food source for these insects, contributing to the overall health of the garden ecosystem. Additionally, their long blooming period, which often spans from late spring through early fall, ensures a steady supply of nectar. Splitting The Perennial Gardeners can propagate them through seeds or the division of established clumps. Regular deadheading, the removal of spent flowers, can prolong the blooming period and encourage continuous flower production. However, allowing some seed heads to mature can attract finches to the garden. Blanket flower is a visually striking, low-maintenance perennial plant prized for its vivid, daisy-like flowers. Its adaptability to various garden conditions, drought tolerance, and role in attracting pollinators make it a popular choice for gardens across North and South America. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, the plant can add color and life to your outdoor space. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery

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Blazing Star

Blazing Star

Picture a Blazing Star Plant at the water's edge of a pond, then color that cattail a vibrant purple, and transform the plant from the water to the prairie, or in your case, your garden, and you've got a great sense of the Blazing Star Plant. Capable of reaching heights of up to 4 feet in height, the plants are very majestic, and many people love to cut them and put them into a vase in the house. Where To Plant Blazing Star The plants grow ideally in a half shade, half sunrise environment. Since they grow up so tall, the plants are frequently used at the back of gardens to define the back edge. Exceedingly hardy plants, they do well in almost any type of soil as long as there is adequate drainage. The Perennial's Bloom Time The bloom time of this colorful plant is from July to August, which makes it ideal because many spring and early summer bloomers tend to look quite drab after their early blooming period. One ideal thing about the plants is that they are pretty much impervious to all common plant diseases. Get Yours Today At Garden Plant Nursery The plants tend to be magnets for bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, so they are a great asset to your garden. Most people who purchase the plants buy tubers from a garden shop, although they can be propagated with seeds. The plants can be spaced as close as 6 inches to one another, and many people love to grow three or four in a decorative pot. In fact, a great garden idea is to make a complete path of the plants in your backyard using decorative pots. Another advantage to the plants is that if you have a lot of deer around, they tend not to be interested in eating these plants.

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Blood Root

Blood Root

Bloodroot, specifically known as Sanguinaria canadensis, is a paradoxical little flower. It is also called redroot, bloodwort, red puccoon, Indian red paint, sang-dragon, snakebite, and a dozen other based on minute variations of region. It is found in eastern North America, and is the only species in its genus. Its closest relative? Snow poppies, found only in China. The species appears with a wide variety of different shapes in both its leaves and its white, yellow-centered flowers, but its juice is always bright scarlet, hence its name. Yet it's this same property that means sanguinaria is being investigated as a cancer treatment. Investigations are inconclusive so far, but it's been used in alternative medicine for a long history. The red juice means it can be used as a paint or dye, and even today it's actually a commercially used food additive. Bloodroot's Seeds This plant is also prized in certain capacities by gardeners. Double-flowered mutations are especially showy, and last longer than the few days normal for sanguinaria flowers. They're considered nice shade plants, which bloom in spring and look at home in woodland-like gardens and landscapes. Though their bloom time is short, the plants are fairly easy to collect seeds from, making them fun and easy to propagate, and they'll flower for years with little care. It needs to be handled carefully in the garden, however, due to the properties of the juice of its leaves and roots. Uses Of The Perennial Bloodroot is surprisingly renowned as an experimental homeopathic cancer treatment, despite very little studying having been applied to its efficacy. It's most commonly associated with treating skin tumors, harkening back to its history of being used to treat skin conditions. When it comes to treating serious conditions, however, this plant is likely best left off the table in favor of proven remedies. As an odd treatment for moles and skin tags, though, it seems unlikely to vacate the pages of herbalists' books any time soon. Buy At Garden Plant Nursery

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Blue Cohosh

Blue Cohosh

Native to Missouri, the Blue Cohosh plant can grow to a height of between one and three feet. Its upright, purplish, waxy stems showcase Foliage at their midsections, which start out as a smoky blue hue during the spring and transition to a bluish-green hue when they fully mature. Blue Cohosh Has Unique Foliage Leaf clusters will develop near the apex of the stems. These clusters are typically comprised of three compound leaflets, and each leaflet is further divided into nine subleaflets for maximum Foliage. Each leaflet grows to about two and one-half inches in length and width. These leaves are hairless and toothless, which makes them the perfect background foliage for this plant's flowers and fruit. The Perennial Has Small Sweet Flowers Alongside the unique Foliage of the plant, it will be ornamented in the springtime with flowers. These are around half of an inch in diameter with six-pointed sepals that appear in a brownish-green to yellowish-green hue. Each flower features six yellow inner stamens, complete with a green ring in the center. When the summer heats up, these flowers will concede to beautifully attractive green berry-like seeds. These seeds are the most visibly desirable part of this plant, and they sit starkly above the leaf canopy. All seeds take on a rich blue color and develop a fleshy outer coating in the late summer. Many viewers will state that the seeds remind them of small grapes. As this perennial experiences a thinning in its Foliage later in the year, these seeds provide a necessary ornament for any garden. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery The Blue Cohosh plant can be referred to as Caulophyllum Thalictroides, Squaw-Root, Caulophylle Faux-Pigamon, and Papoose-Root. It's a member of the Berberidaceae family and is well-known to grow into a mature, bushy perennial. Its root system is fibrous and rhizomatous, which makes this plant perfect for growing in a variety of conditions. The sweet nectar in this plant attracts honeybees, its plethora of Foliage attracts caterpillars, and its berries attract woodland birds. This plant is naturally deer and rabbit-resistant.

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Blue Flag Iris

Blue Flag Iris

Blue Flag Iris blooms several violet-blue flowers with yellow veined sepals. It has a USDA hardiness zone of 3–9. Sturdy stalks support the plant, and sword-like leaves from a basal cluster frame the plants. The shade of violet-blue can vary. A small amount of white may be seen around the yellow veins as well. Attract Wildlife With Blue Flag Iris It grows to about two or three feet tall, and the flowers bloom from May through August. Out in nature, it is commonly found in meadows, by streams, by marshes and by swamps. Butterflies and hummingbirds love pollinating the flowers. People who add these plants to their garden like placing them in either partial shade or full sun. Utilizing Garden Plant Nursery Plants In human history, irises have represented power. The three parts of the flower have stood for wisdom, courage and faith. People have used the flowers for medical purposes in the past. Some tribes also made twine out of the outermost fibers of the leaves. Another use of the iris plant throughout history is creating powdered iris root. People would add this to perfumes and potpourri because it gives off a violet scent. Where To Plant This Perennial Plant Blue Flag Iris is a marginal aquatic plant, which means that it can sit in standing water up to four inches. They enjoy environments near a water source, such as a pond or lake. Some people like to add this type of plant to their pond area because it assists in water filtration. The flowers on are typically lighter in color. Western Flag flowers also have a color variation of sky blue and white. The hardiness zones and heights of these two plants are also different from Northern Flag. Southern Flag, hardiness of 5–9, reaches a height of 2–2.5 feet. Western Flag, hardiness of 3–8, is usually 1–1.4 feet tall.

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Blue Lobelia

Blue Lobelia

The Blue Lobelia Plant, also known as Lobelia siphilitica or Blue Cardinal Flower is a plant that blooms pale purple-bluish flowers with tiny white streaks accenting the blossom. This plant is Native to the Eastern United States area and is from the Campanulacae family. The category of plants it is a member of is called the Herbaceous perennial group. Lobelia siphilitica prefers dark, rich and moist soils and will sprout effectively in either full sun or part shade rotation. For full sun, a Northern cooler climate works best to balance the plant's temperature requirements. Blue Lobelia Requirements If growing with a Central Coast or Southern Climate, part shade is ideal for health. This plant requires consistent watering- moisture should always be present. In its native environment, they grow alongside streams and swamps, this serves as an indication of how much moisture it requires. The bloom time of this plant occurs between July and September- perfect for beginning gardeners, the maintenance level is low for this species. Identifying the blooms by looking for dark tubular flowers with three lobes. The scientific name of this species bears homage to Matthias de l’Obel, a French Botanist. This plant is not known to be susceptible to chronic insect or disease afflictions. It is capable of withstanding pest invasions as well as deer, although snails and slugs have been known to occasionally take a bite. Uses Of This Perennial Common uses for Blue Lobelia include wild gardens or anywhere near running water or large pools of water. It is known for having the ability to self-seed, attracts bees and hummingbirds, and is extremely sensitive to drought. It is commercially available and has a collection date in the Northern US starting in autumn. Hardy Planting Zones- 4-9 Sun or Shade – Sun and Part Shade Mature Height - 24-36" Mature Width- 12-16" Bloom Season – Summer (July to September) Gardener Status- Beginner Soil Type- Loam/Sand/Clay Buy At Garden Plant Nursery

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Box Elder Tree

Box Elder Tree

Box Elder tree, scientifically known as Acer negundo, is a deciduous tree native to North America. It belongs to the maple family, Aceraceae, and is often referred to by various names, including Boxelder, Ash-leaved Maple, or Manitoba Maple. This tree is well-known for its adaptability and ability to thrive in multiple environmental conditions, making it a common sight in urban and rural landscapes.  One of the distinctive features of the tree is its compound leaves, typically consisting of 3-7 leaflets, which are serrated along the edges. The foliage turns a vibrant yellow or orange in the fall. The tree is also notable for its greenish-yellow blossoms, which arrive in the spring before the leaves fully develop. These flowers give way to paired winged seeds, or samaras, which resemble those of other maple species.  These trees are relatively fast-growing and can reach altitudes of 40 to 60 feet tall. While not highly regarded for timber, their wood is used for various purposes, including making inexpensive furniture, crates, and firewood. Where To Find A Box Elder Tree One unique characteristic of this tree is its preference for wet or moist soil conditions. They are often found along riverbanks, streams, and in floodplain areas. However, they can also adapt to drier soils and are frequently seen in urban areas, where they are planted for their shade and ornamental value.  Attract Wildlife With The Tree  These trees are an essential food source for various wildlife species. Birds like finches, sparrows, and squirrels consume their seeds. Additionally, the tree provides habitat and nesting sites for different bird species.  Despite its adaptability and ecological importance, Box Elder trees can be considered somewhat invasive in some regions due to their rapid growth and ability to colonize disturbed areas. However, when properly managed, they can serve as valuable components of natural and urban landscapes, offering shade, wildlife habitat, and aesthetic appeal. Buy Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Bracken Fern

Bracken Fern

The bracken fern, scientifically known as Pteridium aquilinum. This is a widely growing plant, especially in Northern America. The fern has stiff triangular-shaped fronds and quickly grows into large colonies. You can grow the fern as underground foliage in a wooded area. The plant will also make your rock garden beautiful and works well for a cottage garden. Read on to learn more about this attractive plant. The fern can tolerate different soil types but grows well in well-drained soil enriched with organic matter. The plant will also require slight acidity and consistent moisture. Provide some shade too. Reduce the watering if the plant grows so aggressively. Look for an isolated space in your garden to plant the fern since their rhizomes spread out so quickly. Once you designate a spot, dig a deep, wide hole, then place the rhizomes at the center. Cover the hole with enough soil, then water it. Remember to keep the ferns at least seven feet away from each other. You can also plant the fern in a container to limit its spread. Use a large enough ceramic porous pot with good drainage. Caring For The Fern Once established, the plant will require low maintenance. You will need to apply manure or other organic compounds at least once annually. Also, add a layer of mulch on the roots for moisture retention. The fern can grow up to seven feet in height, especially in early spring. Therefore, you will need to prune the plant occasionally and get rid of broken fronds. When grown in the right conditions, the fern is highly resistant to pests. Bracken Fern Propagation If you want to propagate the fern, dig out the plant and ensure that you get the whole rhizome. Carefully divide the roots. Transplant the divisions in a different area at the same conditions as the mother plant. Bracken ferns are easy to grow, making them a perfect choice for almost all gardens. The plant creates a unique and wild look in your yard. It also pulls out odors and chemicals from the air contributing to a cleaner environment. Find All Your Plant Needs At Garden Plant Nursery

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Broom Forkmoss - 5 Square Feet

Broom Forkmoss - 5 Square Feet

Broom Forkmoss is a moss species belonging to the family Dicranaceae. This moss is widely distributed throughout North America and Europe, where it is often found in various terrestrial habitats, including forests, woodlands, heathlands, and even urban environments. Its common name, Broom Moss, is derived from its distinctive appearance, resembling a broom with its upright, bushy growth pattern. Here are some key characteristics and information about this excellent moss: Appearance: Dicranum scoparium typically forms dense, tufted cushions or mats. The stems are usually upright and can reach up to 10 centimeters (4 inches). The leaves are narrow and lance-shaped, with a characteristic twist or curve at the tip. Color: When hydrated, the leaves of moss are bright green, but they can appear darker when dry. This moss has a vibrant, healthy appearance when it receives adequate moisture. Where To Plant The Moss This moss is versatile in its habitat preferences and can be found in various settings, from shaded woodland floors to open, sun-exposed areas. It often grows on soil, rocks, decaying logs, and tree bases. Reproduction: Like most mosses, this type reproduces through spore production. Spore capsules, which are tiny structures that contain spores, are borne on long stalks and are typically reddish-brown. Spore release is an integral part of its life cycle and helps in its dispersal. Ecological Role Of Broom Forkmoss The Broom Forkmoss is crucial in its ecosystem, contributing to soil formation and moisture retention. It provides habitat and food for various microorganisms and invertebrates, further supporting the local ecology. Conservation Status: This moss is not considered globally threatened or endangered. However, like many moss species, it may face localized threats from habitat destruction and pollution. Cultural and Scientific Importance: Mosses like Dicranum scoparium have been studied for their ecological significance and potential applications in various fields, including botany, ecology, and soil science. Broom Forkmoss is a fascinating and ecologically essential moss species with its unique growth habit and adaptability to diverse environments. Its presence contributes to the health and stability of ecosystems, making it a valuable component of the natural world. Buy At Garden Plant Nursery Today

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Brown Eyed Susan

Brown Eyed Susan

Brown-Eyed Susans are North American native plants that thrive in the US Department of Agriculture zones 4-9. Their bright flowers bloom from mid to late summer for up to two months. Brown Eyed Susan's Colors Brown-Eyed Susan’s flowerheads consist of 6 to 12 floret rays that bloom a bright yellow. The yellow petals surround a smaller circle of florets that are brown and black in color. This plant typically grows to be up to 5 feet tall. Its leaves are 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. Flowerheads grow to be ½ to 2 inches across. Growing Conditions Of The Perennial They prefer mesic growing conditions. Although they grow well in loamy soil, they also do well in a combination of gravel and clay soil types. All Your Landscape Needs At Garden Plant Nursery It desires full to partial sun but can stay in full bloom longer when planted in moderate shade. They have an average resistance to drought and tend to wilt like other flowers. Not to be confused with its younger sister, the Black-Eyed Susan, Rudbeckia triloba, or better known as the Brown-Eyed Susan, is a short-lived perennial common to the Illinois area. It is widely associated with different parts of North America, as well. They typically grow wild in many prairies, meadows, fields, and roadsides. This biennial is taller and bushier than the Black-Eyed Susan and has many branches that extend from leaf axils. Many dark red stems of the Brown-Eyed Susan grow, giving this plant its bushy look. Its leaves are ovate and rough to the touch. 1 to 2 flower heads grow on the upper stems of the plant. Flowers do not have a very pronounced smell. They are self pollinators, but also attract many bee varieties seeking nectar and pollen.

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Bugleweed Plant

Bugleweed Plant

The Bugleweed is a herb-type herbaceous plant with colorful leaves that work great as a groundcover. It is a low maintenance, perennial plant many gardeners prefer to use as a groundcover as they also provide a splash of color with their profuse blue flower spikes. The spikes shoot out approximately six inches during the spring.  The Beauty Of Bugleweed The plant will produce its flowers throughout the summer and into the fall but are the most stunning during the spring when they have been planted in mass. There are some varieties of the plant that feature variegated foliage and produce blooms in pink, white or rose. These plants will grow from six to nine inches in height and will also achieve a diameter of about the same. Utilizing The Perennial These plants make terrific borders and look incredible when mixed with other perennial flowers along an edge. Some gardeners have enjoyed the eye-pleasing effect of it when planted along stepping stones or inside rock gardens. They make a great companion to the creeping jenny in a shady part of a lawn. Where To Plant Your Garden Plant Nursery Plants It will grow well in moist, fertile, well-drained soil but are able to tolerate clay and other less nutrient soils. The plant does have a creeping tendency and should not be planted near areas it will not be allowed to spread. Edging placed along a border where the plant should not go does well to stop the creeping. When the blooms have reached a deadhead stage, a lawn mower works well to remove them. The plant will propagate through its cuttings, by being divided, and its seeds. The division can be performed any time of the season and should be done about every two years, so it does not become overcrowded. The Bugleweed is a hardy plant and not susceptible to disease or pests. It may suffer from crown rot if grown in a hot and humid environment. It also does not do well in areas with poor air circulation.

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The bulrush is a hardy plant perennial that produces fibrous roots that make it great for land cover. It is native to North America and is part of the grass family. Predominantly, it is found in Newfoundland, Manitoba, and the northeast and mid-west regions of the United States. It is an aggressive grower that is hard to contain in a manicured lawn environment. It is durable and is often used in ground restoration projects such as wetlands and soggy areas that have erosion problems. Bulrush Is A Stunning Green The culm of the plant flourish to produce an abundant number of umbels at the end of its long blades. These culms are the above ground stem that resembles a stalk usually an olive-green color. The umbels become fertile in summer and top the plant in a brownish gold wheat color cluster. The clusters are composed of small spikelets. The spikelets mature during the autumn season and turn a dark chocolate brown which then appear to look like starry clusters. The many displayed seeds last to the end of the fruiting season which runs July through August. The Grass Can Get Huge At maturity, the plant can grow to an average of 3 to 5 feet. Also, they can have a 2 to 4-foot spread. It prefers a cooler crisper air to grow in usually found in the spring and fall seasons. After harvest, the regrowth rate is slow. It has a long lifespan but has a low tolerance of drought conditions. It adapts well to fine and medium textured soils and requires a pH of 4.0 to 8.0. It grows and develops well in wet moist soil types. It thrives in wetland areas, marshes, bogs, swamp lands, and flood plains. It grows along the sides of creek beds and rivers. It is a durable plant but does not grow well in shade. The Green Bulrush has been valuable in restoration projects and erosion control. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery Today

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Burning Bush

Burning Bush

The Burning Bush shrub is a popular option among gardeners across most of the U.S. because of its easy to grow nature and stunning Fall color. The shrub is an invasive species to the U.S. and has its roots in Asia, but the plant grows in almost every region of the nation. The shrubs provide property owners with a deep Fall color that can add drama to any exterior space. Burning Bush Planting Zones One of the benefits of the shrub is its ability to grow in the majority of the U.S. The hardy planting zones that support the growth of the shrub are from four to eight, with only the hottest areas of the nation out of reach. The shrub will grow well in almost every area apart from the southern reaches of the Southwest, the Deep South, and Southern Florida. Growing The Shrub The stunning Fall color of the leaves of the shrub is the main attraction, but the ease of growth of the plat makes it a good option. The shrubs are drought tolerant in most areas and are pest-resistant, making them an excellent choice for those looking for a low-maintenance option. Choosing the correct location for the shrub when planting is important. The shrub grows best in full sun conditions, meaning its location receives around six hours of unbroken sunlight each day. If a full sun location is not available, the shrub will grow in particle sun with a less vibrant Fall show. Once planted, the shrub is drought tolerant, but it does require watering during its first few months of life. After becoming established, watering can be reduced to around one-inch of water per week. The display of the Burning Bush shrub is one of the reasons the plant has become so popular across the U.S. The display begins in May to June with the arrival of tiny flowers that become red berries a few weeks later. When these red berries fall from the shrub, they can take root and new plants appear. The switch to crimson leaves begins in the Fall and adds a stunning burst of color to any exterior space. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery

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Butterfly Milkweed

Butterfly Milkweed

The Butterfly Milkweed plant is certainly one of the most beautiful of the wildflowers of North America. Its beauty not only comes from its appearance but also its fragrance. The plant that most people think of is A.Syriaca or the common plant. The Bloom Of Butterfly Milkweed The plant blooms out in a sort of star-spangled banner type display. At the top of the stem, there is a myriad of tiny flowers colored in a watercolor-like light purple. They also bloom in most other colors of the spectrum. You can find the plant blooming in yellow, orange, green, and pink. To propagate themselves, these plants develop a seed pod that drys and then in the fall splits open to spread hundreds of seeds. Benefits Of Planting The Perennial Depending on the type of plant, it can grow from 2-5 feet in height. It grows in zones 3 -9. This plant attracts the usual pollinating insects such as bees, hummingbirds, and especially Monarch butterflies. Monarch butterflies love this plant because it is their main food source and also it supplies a secure place for the female to spread her eggs, mostly on the underside of the leaves. Caring For The Plant These plants are fast spreading so give them plenty of room in your garden. They like from 6 to 8 hours of sunshine. A good place in the garden is where they are somewhat protected from the wind so that you can control the spread of the seeds. This helps prevent the plant from taking over your garden. This also provides a safe haven for the Monarchs. Buy From Garden Plant Nursery Most Butterfly Milkweed plants do well in just about any soil. The exception is the Swamp weed, it requires soil that is moist and humus. Plant them in a well-cultivated flowerbed that has been worked to a fine mix. Add the recommended amount of fertilizer for an average soil mix. There is no real special care to the soil. Sow the seeds and tamp the soil. Water the flower bed and wait.

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Button Bush Live Stakes  -  Package of 100

Button Bush Live Stakes - Package of 100

Button Bush is a deciduous shrub native to North America and part of the Rubiaceae family. The shrub does well in complete sun or partial shade in consistently wet soil. The plant can tolerate shallow standing water and flooding conditions including swamps and adjacent to ponds and streams. It can withstand sand, clay, and limestone in the soil. The bark can range in color from grayish-green to nearly black. The plant will grow up to 12 feet and can have a spread of 8 feet. Pruning, while not necessary, can happen in early spring. The Benefits Of Planting Button Bush Live Stakes Leaves emerge in late spring and are bright green. They are usually in pairs or in threes on branches in an opposite or whorled pattern. The leaves are smooth, up to 4 inches in length and 2 inches wide. It is a low maintenance plant with a white flower, or more rarely, a pale pink flower that appears typically in June and is fragrant. The plant will bear flowers for several months. The flower has a tubular, pincushion type appearance and will mature into ball-shaped fruits that are brown in color. The fruits will last throughout the winter months. Attract Wildlife With Them Waterbirds will consume the seeds and wood ducks use the plant as nest protection. The shrub attracts bees, hummingbirds, robins, and butterflies. It is a common nectar source across most of the continental United States. Other names for the shrub include button-willow and honey-bells. Button Bush is an ornamental plant that is an attractive addition to an ornamental or water garden. It can serve as a windbreak on a property with a long life.  Hardy Planting Zone- 5 to 9 Bloom Season (if any) - June Bloom Color - White Height at Maturity - 5 to 12 feet Soil Type Preferred- moist Check Out The Live Stakes Collection From Garden Plant Nursery

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California Poppy

California Poppy

The California Poppy is a beautiful plant native to the United States and Mexico which also has the nicknames of California sunlight and cup of gold. This ornamental flower can be used medicinally and in cooking and is actually the state flower of California. It can reach a mature growth height of anywhere from 5 to 60 inches. The Charming Foliage Of California Poppy The foliage is a blue green color with long stems and leaves that are segmented into round lobes. The flowers grow each on one stem and have four petals to every flower. The petals grows 2 to 6 cm and differ in color from yellow to orange to red. They flower for most of the year from spring all the way through fall. The petals also close up each night and reopen in the morning when the sun comes out. If it is a cloudy day the petals may remain closed. Growing The Perennial The plant can usually survive winters and come back in the spring except in the harshest of cold climates it will typically die. This is why it is considered a perennial in warmer areas and an annual in freezing areas. This flower can actually grow in all planting zones from 3 to 9. It is usually fast growing, but again, it depends on the habitat with the amount of sunlight it receives being the biggest factor. Optimal soil temperature is quite high at 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Fertilizer has a negative effect on the production of flowers. The plant prefers nutrient poor and well-drained soils. Using Garden Plant Nursery Plants In Landscaping Used in landscaping they will grow well in an elevated rock garden with boulders and a very sandy soil mixture. This will ensure plenty of drainage and keep most of the moisture away from the plants. Grown right, the California Poppy will provide a beautifully vibrant pop of color to any landscape.

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California Privet

California Privet

The California Privet Hedge is also known as the Ligustrum ovalifolium. This plant with rather showy white flowers is native to Japan and Korea. Many private homes in those countries are surrounded by this very beautiful flowering privacy hedge. If your ideal hedge is one that grows to about 15 feet tall and wide with elegant white flowers, the plant is one to consider. In addition, you will not have to wait long for the showy hedge to develop to full coverage because it is considered a very fast growing hedge. Utilizing California Privet Hedge This plant is a favorite privacy hedge in many communities, due to the fast growth rate and the beautiful white flowers produced by the hedge in the spring or early summer. In addition, the dark green foliage looks very beautiful as a backdrop. It is also interesting to note that the plant produces small black fruits which birds love to snack on during their growing season. This privacy hedge prefers a hot and dry climate. Therefore, those that live in areas that have climates like California or Florida should consider this plant. Under the right conditions, this plant is a very fast grower and will make an excellent privacy fence that lasts for many years into the future. The plant grows best in Zone 4 to 9. It is important to note that the plant grows much slower in colder climates. Where To Plant This Shrub The California Privet Hedge prefers growing in full sunlight to partial shade. Make sure that you have just the right spot for optimal growing conditions. The plant quickly grows to ten to fifteen feet at maturity and blooms in the summer, producing small white flowers and black fruit. In addition, this plant prefers dry soil. The privet hedge will require several trimmings throughout the season to help it maintain it's shape and an attractive form. Shop At Garden Plant Nursery Today

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Carex Pensylvanica - 10 Pack

Carex Pensylvanica - 10 Pack

Carex Pensylvanica plant, is a perennial plant with a grass-like appearance that belongs to the Cypercae family and is found throughout Eastern woodland locations of the Northern Hemisphere. Flowers tend to bloom in the later Spring months and the staminate scales of the Pennsylvania sedge are often green with slight purplish hue. The pistillate scales maintain a deep brown to light black color with white around the edges. Leaves of the Sedge are sharp, are the edges of it's stems.The plant grows best in USDA Growing Zones 3 – 8 and reaches a maximum height of between 15-30 centimeters. Typically, the sedge blooms in late Spring months and the plant is best grown in dry soil with ample shade. Colonies of Pennsylvania Sedge grow as far North as Quebec and as far south as Mississippi. There is currently a large population of it growing along the Missouri River in the surrounding dry forests and on the ledges of the overlooking bluffs. The roots are typically light brown to dark red, and colonies grow in bunches of up to 21 centimeters in height. In ideal growing conditions, the sedge is self-seeding. Carex Pensylvanica Loves Shade It is a native grass or wheat that grows well in zones 4-8. It grows 8-10 inches in height and makes a good ground cover. It mixes well with other plants. It grows well in full shade or partial sun. It is drought tolerant and needs moisture to thrive. It grows best in well drained soil. It grows well as a ground cover under trees and shady areas. It goes well in shade gardens with other shade plants. When planted it should be spread about 10 inches apart. It can be grown in full sun too. Best to plant roots in fall or early spring in April or May. This Perennial Grass Is Easy To Grow It is a native grass or wheat that grows well in full shade. It grows 8-10 inches in height and makes a good ground cover. It mixes well with other plants. It grows well in dry soil. It is drought tolerant and needs moisture to thrive. Carex Pensylvanica grows well as a ground cover under trees and shady areas. It goes well in shade gardens with other shade plants. When planted it should be spread about 10 inches apart. It can be grown in full sun too. Best to plant roots in fall or early spring in April or May. Shop Grasses At Garden Plant Nursery Today

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Carolina Allspice

Carolina Allspice

Carolina Allspice or Calycanthus Floridus is a type of deciduous bush that grows in various environments in the united states. The shrub grows in a variety of environments ranging from shaded forests to sunny and bright fields. The shrub is most known for its sweet smell and has been cultivated because of that. Benefits Of Growing Carolina Allspice The shrub itself is known for the sweet smell that is reminiscent of fruit like bananas or pineapples. This led to the shrub getting the name the sweet shrub and has been used to scent things like closets and clothes in the past. This helped keep mildew smells away and left everything fresh. The Calycanthus Floridus is a fairly large shrub as it can grow anywhere from six to twelve feet in height. It can also grow outwards to around the same footage, so you could end up seeing some of these shrubs being twelve feet tall and twelve feet wide. Most probably won't get to be that large, but it can happen.  When it comes to conditions and soil type, this is one of the more flexible of the various bushes that you can find in the United States. It can develop in a mixture of soil types, from heavily moist soil. It retains a lot of water to well-drained soil that might lean towards the dryer side. This makes the shrub surprisingly easy to grow or find in the well as well as in a garden. The Beauty Of This Shrub The loveliness of the plants comes from the sweet scent that they give off, but that is not to say they don't have a flower because they do. It is a dark red flower with a bulb set of petals in the middle and then an exterior set of petals that fan out. The sweet scent of the bush can be especially strong on the flower. That being said, the flower is not always the easiest to find as it can be found in the underbrush of the bush at times. Shop Today At Garden Plant Nursery The Carolina Allspice can be a great addition to any setting, whether in woodland or a garden. The plant is resistant to most diseases, and with a nice set of aesthetics and smell, it can improve anything. It is even plantable by seed. Just be sure to keep them away from your mouth as they are toxic to humans. This plant is a great addition to any environment.

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Carpet Moss  - 5 Square Feet

Carpet Moss - 5 Square Feet

Carpet Moss is a natural plant found in many areas of the world. It is often used as a flooring material because it is soft, easy to clean, and does not hold dirt or dust. It is also popular for use in home décor because it can add a touch of class to any room. What Is Carpet Moss It is a natural plant found in many areas of the world. It is often used as a flooring material because it is soft, easy to clean, and does not hold dirt or dust. It is also popular for use in home décor because it can add a touch of class to any room. It is often used as an insulation material, making it ideal for areas with high humidity or a high risk of moisture damage. How Can It Be Used It can be used in some ways. One way is to put it on the floor of your home to add a touch of luxury. Another way is to use it as a natural flooring material. You can place carpet moss in any room that needs a little extra love and attention. What are some benefits of It? Some of the benefits of it include: - It is a soft flooring material that is easy to clean - It does not hold dirt or dust - It can be used in home décor as well as for flooring - It is popular for use in many areas of the world - It is popular for use on floors, walls, windows and decors all over the world - It is used to insulate areas that may become damp due to high humidity or falling water levels. What Is It Used For It is used in many ways. You can use it as a flooring material, decorating material, or natural plant. You can even use carpet moss to add a touch of class and elegance to your home. Carpet moss is a natural product that can be used in various ways to improve the look and feel of your home. There are many benefits to using carpet moss, such as creating a more comfortable and inviting space, making your home more stylish, and adding a touch of luxury. You can use it in any space in your home, and it is a great way to improve the overall look and feel of your home. Shop Our Moss Collection At Garden Plant Nursery

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Catalpa Tree

Catalpa Tree

The Catalpa tree was originally named the Catawba tree after the Catawba Native American word catawba. However, Giovanni Scopoli accidentally transcribed the word incorrectly when he wrote the first formal scientific description of the genus. The name could not be changed due to the rules of botanical naming. The Tree Has Stunning Leaves It is a deciduous tree with large, heart-shaped leaves and striking flowers. The trees are usually chosen for the shade provided by their broad leaves. They are also chosen as an ornamental tree because of their showy, trumpet – shaped flowers that are typically white or yellow in color. They are generally about 40 to 60 feet in height. A sapling that is 10 years old can be as tall as 20 feet. It has very few pests and grows well in well-drained, moist soil such as the soil found on stream banks. The tree is part of the Bignonia family, and there are approximately 12 different species. The most common of these are the Northern and Southern trees. The Northern tree grows best in zones four through eight, and the Southern tree grows best in zones six through nine. It Is Stunning In Landscapes The Catalpa Tree is a beautiful, classic tree with an intriguing and attractive shape. It features grand white and yellow flowers and large heart-shaped leaves. The tree offers a safe haven to birds, attracting them to its comfortable, shaded branches. The tree also displays long, attractive seed pods that advance from green to a rich brown with the change in seasons. The gorgeous flowers which burst forth from the tree's branches in the late spring and early summer attract hummingbirds with their sweet nectar. These lovely, low-maintenance trees will provide shelter and shade while offering beauty and majesty to any landscape. Find Catalpa Tree And More At Garden Plant Nursery Zones: 4 –9 Mature Height: 40' to 60' Width: 20' to 40' Growth: Medium to Fast Growth Shape: Oval Sunlight: Full Sun Soil: Well-drained, Moist

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